The Year of Manifestation

After accepting the challenge of family and friends, I began blogging in 2013. Challenge is an understatement. I’m still working out the kinks and seeking to identify my voice, my message and my audience. One of the ways I do this is by making review and reflection a consistent habit. I didn’t always take this approach, but the last few years have proven how beneficial it is to engage in this worthy exercise. The truth is, we’re forgetful creatures, we humans. We have a tendency to make a lot of claims, declarations and resolutions. We start out bold and fearless, but less-often-than-desired, our boldness fades and our fearlessness transforms into whispers of doubt.

I believe our lives are planned by our Creator, and that we can choose to be active participants or passive observers. I’ve spent far too many years watching my life pass me by. This is the first year I recall spending more time savoring the moments instead of holding my breath until the days turned into the end of another year. I titled this blog Transparency Bloggin’ because I felt God’s plan for my life included putting the words of my life in print as an encouragement to other Christians. I no longer wanted to live the struggle of life in hiding; instead, I chose to be as transparent as possible concerning the challenges of being Christian 365-24-7. I believe I started out strong with my first post (I am Robin). I was moved to action and responded to the news of Robin Williams’ death by sharing my experience with depression. The balance of the year I posted things I’d written in the past. I tweaked some of them and reposted others with little edits. In review, I didn’t feel it was my best effort.

As 2014 was closing, I found myself thinking quite a bit about what I wanted in the coming year. In response, I’m taking stewardship of my life; it is important to be engaged in the plan I believe God has laid out for me. That, I believe, involves writing from fresh experiences. It does not mean I’ll never reach back and share writings of the past, but it does mean those writings will be relevant to the present and not just a cut-and-paste job to say I posted for the week. The more settled I became in my resolve, the sharper my hearing became. I began to hear these words in my spirit: 2015, the Year of Manifestation. I trust that each day holds manifestations of promises and petitions; however, too often we miss the opportunities we have been given to rejoice in the fulfillment of both.

As much as I sought to live a life of faith in 2014, I’m convinced that 2015 will prove to bear more fruit of my choice to be obedient to the command of Christ to “only believe” (Mark 5:36; Luke 8:50). I’m determined to take Hebrews 11:1 at face-value. I have chosen the first installment of my 2015 Soundtrack. It is William McDowell’s Expecting. This is my demonstration of faith in what has been spoken. The promises of God are “yes, and…amen” (1 Corinthians 1:20), therefore, God’s promise IS my expectation (another song for the soundtrack, Expectation, by Straight Gate Mass Choir). I have many petitions before the Lord. Therefore, as I take to heart His promise in Mark 11:23, I firmly believe and expect to see what He has promised and to receive those things I have asked in His name. It is not for me to determine or know the time of the manifestation, only to trust it will come to fruition.

In these next first-days of the new year, I will pull out my notes and record of petitions. I will settle into a quiet spot and lay them parallel to His word. I will review, reflect and expect. If you ain’t scared, say it with me: I believe 2015 is the Year of Manifestation…!

~WordsInPrint by Suni

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